Tiffany Gamble
Re-Entry Case Manager
Antonious NeSmith
Tiffany Gamble is a mentor and advocate for inmates currently incarcerated in prison or formerly incarcerated. Tiffany's expertise span from speaking for the youth and representing their "best interests" in court as a former SC Guardian ad Litem (GAL) to assisting with voter registration drives for high school students at various high schools in Horry County. She currently also serves Secretary for Get Out To Stay Out.
In 2020, Tiffany had the opportunity to introduce Vice-President Kamala Harris, who at the time was a presidential candidate, to hundreds of participants at the Sheraton Convention Center in Myrtle Beach, SC. She is currently a fellow in the Jim Clyburn Fellowship and expected to graduate in January 2022.
Antonious NeSmith is the founder and president of Get Out To Stay Out, which was formed May 2021. After becoming a successful real estate closing agent and political consultant, he felt the need to share with others, previously incarcerated, how to navigate certain barriers that felons face upon completing their time. He is a Morris College and Horry-Georgetown Technical College graduate, community activist, and former inmate.
Antonious has worked multiple federal and state campaigns and had the pleasure to serve as Regional Political Director for Senator Elizabeth Warren's bid for president in 2020. As an engaged activist, he has sponsored voter registration drives for high school students and inmates detained in detention facilities waiting for trial across the Pee Dee region.